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发表于 2021-4-3 00:14
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim a, B
Dim ja(), jb()
a = Trim(Text1): B = Trim(Text2): a3 = a: b3 = B
ts = Timer
If Len(a) < Len(B) Then
a = String(Len(B) - Len(a), "0") & a
B = B
a = a
B = String(Len(a) - Len(B), "0") & B
End If
x = Len(a) \ 300: Y = x + 2: x11 = x
sb = Y * 2
a = String(Val(sb * 300 - Len(a)), "0") & a
B = String(Val(sb * 300 - Len(B)), "0") & B
x = sb / 2
ReDim ja(0 To x - 1): ReDim jb(-x + 1 To x - 1)
For I = 0 To x - 1
ja(I) = Mid(a, Len(a) - 600 * I - 599, 600)
jb(I) = Mid(B, Len(B) - 600 * I - 599, 600)
For i0 = -1 To -x + 1 Step -1
jb(i0) = String(600, "0")
jw2 = 0: jw3 = 0
For i1 = 0 To x - 1
d3 = ""
For i2 = 0 To x - 1
a1 = Mid(ja(i2), 1, 300): a2 = Mid(ja(i2), 301, 300)
B1 = Mid(jb(i1 - i2), 1, 300): b2 = Mid(jb(i1 - i2), 301, 300)
C1 = MbC(Trim(a1), Trim(B1)): C2 = MbC(Trim(a2), Trim(b2))
c3 = MPC1(Trim(a1), Trim(a2)): c4 = MPC1(Trim(B1), Trim(b2))
c5 = MbC(Trim(c3), Trim(c4))
D1 = MPC(Trim(c5), Trim(C1)): D1 = MPC(Trim(D1), Trim(C2))
D2 = MPC1(Trim(C1) & String(600, "0"), Trim(D1) & String(300, "0"))
D2 = MPC1(Trim(D2), Trim(C2))
d3 = MPC1(Trim(D2), Trim(d3))
d3 = MPC1(Trim(d3), Trim(jw3))
d5 = d3
If Len(d3) <= 600 Then
jw3 = 0
jw3 = Left(d3, Len(d3) - 600)
End If
d3 = Right(d3, 600)
d4 = Trim(d3) & Trim(d4)
d4 = Trim(jw3) & Trim(d4)
d4 = qqdl(Trim(d4))
d10 = Mid(d4, 1, 88)
Text3 = d4 & "有" & Len(d4) & "位,用时" & Timer - ts & "秒"
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Text1 = ""
Text2 = ""
Text3 = ""
End Sub
Public Function MbC(D1 As String, D2 As String) As String
Dim x, Y ';两数长度
x = Len(D1) \ 4: Y = Len(D2) \ 4
d3 = String(4 * x + 4 - Len(D1), "0") & D1
d4 = String(4 * Y + 4 - Len(D2), "0") & D2
x = x + 1: Y = Y + 1
Dim a() As String
ReDim a(4 To 4 * x + 4 * Y, 4 To 4 * Y)
Dim I, J, C1, C2, CJ, jw, s, t
For J = 4 * Y To 4 Step -4 ';D2
jw = 0 ';进位清0
C2 = Mid(d4, J - 3, 4) ';每位数
For I = 4 * x To 4 Step -4 ';D1
C1 = Mid(d3, I - 3, 4) ';每位数
CJ = Val(C1) * Val(C2) + jw ';计算乘积
c = I + J: r = 4 * Y + 4 - J
a(c, r) = String(4 - Len(CJ Mod 10000), "0") & CJ Mod 10000 ';本位
jw = CJ \ 10000 ';进位
a(c - 4, r) = jw
Dim B() As String
ReDim B(1 To x + Y)
jw = 0
For s = x + Y To 1 Step -1
Bit = jw
For t = 1 To Y
Bit = Bit + Val(a(4 * s, 4 * t))
B(s) = String(4 - Len(Bit Mod 10000), "0") & Bit Mod 10000
jw = Bit \ 10000
If B(1) > 0 Then
MbC = Val(Left(MbC, 5)) & Mid(MbC, 6) & B(1)
MbC = Val(Left(MbC, 5)) & Mid(MbC, 6)
End If
For s = 2 To x + Y
MbC = Val(Left(MbC, 5)) & Mid(MbC, 6) & B(s)
End Function
Public Function MPC1(D1 As String, D2 As String) As String 'jiafa
Dim x, Y, jw '两数长度
If qqdl(D1) = "0" Then
MPC1 = D2
ElseIf qqdl(D2) = "0" Then
MPC1 = D1
If Len(D1) >= Len(D2) Then
d4 = String(Len(D1) - Len(D2), "0") & D2
d3 = D1
d4 = D2
d3 = String(Len(D2) - Len(D1), "0") & D1
End If
x = Len(d3) \ 8: Y = Len(d4) \ 8
If 8 * x < Len(d3) Then
d3 = String(8 * x + 8 - Len(d3), "0") & d3
d4 = String(8 * Y + 8 - Len(d4), "0") & d4
x = x + 1: Y = Y + 1
x = x: Y = Y
d3 = d3: d4 = d4
End If
Dim a() As String, B1() As String, C1() As String, E1() As String
ReDim a(1 To x)
ReDim B1(1 To Y)
ReDim C1(1 To x)
ReDim E1(1 To x)
Dim I, J, C2, CJ
For J = Y To 1 Step -1 'D2
jw = 0 '进位清0
B1(J) = Mid$(d4, J * 8 - 7, 8) '每位数
For I = x To 1 Step -1 'D1
a(I) = Mid$(d3, I * 8 - 7, 8) '每位数
C1(I) = Val(a(I)) + Val(B1(I)) + Val(jw) '计算jia
If Len(C1(I)) < 8 Then
C1(I) = String(8 - Len(C1(I)), "0") & C1(I)
C1(I) = C1(I)
End If
jw = Left(C1(I), Len(C1(I)) - 8)
E1(I) = Right(C1(I), 8)
For r = 1 To x
If jw = 0 Then
MPC1 = MPC1 & E1(r)
jc = jc & E1(r)
MPC1 = jw & jc
End If
MPC1 = qqdl(Trim(MPC1))
End If
End Function
Public Function MPC(D1 As String, D2 As String) As String ';jianfaqi
Dim x, Y ';两数长度
If qqdl(D2) = "0" Then
MPC = D1
If Len(D1) >= Len(D2) Then
d4 = String(Len(D1) - Len(D2), "0") & D2
d3 = D1
d4 = D2
d3 = String(Len(D2) - Len(D1), "0") & D1
End If
x = Len(d3) \ 8: Y = Len(d4) \ 8
d3 = String(8 * x + 8 - Len(d3), "0") & d3
d4 = String(8 * Y + 8 - Len(d4), "0") & d4
x = x + 1: Y = Y + 1
Dim a() As String, B1() As String, C1() As String, E1() As String
ReDim a(1 To x)
ReDim B1(1 To Y)
ReDim C1(1 To x)
ReDim E1(1 To x)
Dim I, J, C2, CJ, jw
For J = Y To 1 Step -1 ';D2
jw = 1 ';yu jie weichuzhi
B1(J) = Mid(d4, J * 8 - 7, 8) ';每位数
For I = x To 1 Step -1 ';D1
a(I) = Mid(d3, I * 8 - 7, 8) ';每位数
C1(I) = Val(1 & a(I)) - Val(B1(I)) - Val(1) + Val(jw) ';计算jia
If Len(C1(I)) <= 8 Then
jw = 0
C1(I) = String(8 - Len(C1(I)), "0") & C1(I)
jw = Left(C1(I), Len(C1(I)) - 8)
End If
E1(I) = Right(C1(I), 8)
If Len(E1(I)) < 8 Then
E1(I) = String(8 - Len(E1(I)), "0") & E1(I)
E1(I) = E1(I)
End If
For r = 1 To x
MPC = MPC & E1(r)
If Len(MPC) > Len(D1) Then
MPC = Mid(MPC, Len(MPC) - Len(D1) + 1)
End If
For I = 1 To Len(MPC)
If Not Mid(MPC, I, 1) = "0" Then
Exit For
End If
strTmp = Mid(MPC, I)
If Len(strTmp) = 0 Then
MPC = "0"
MPC = strTmp
End If
End If
End Function
Private Function qqdl(sa As String) As String
For I = 1 To Len(sa)
If Not Mid(sa, I, 1) = "0" Then
Exit For
End If
strTmp = Mid(sa, I)
If Len(strTmp) = 0 Then
qqdl = "0"
qqdl = strTmp
End If
End Function |