联大数学系在研究生培养上没有正规的体制。研究生毕业只是写一篇论文,但没有论文答辩,也不授予学位。当时联大数学系的研究生很少,只是个别教授有一、二个研究生。如,孙树本跟江泽涵先生做研究生;钟开莱先跟华罗庚先生做研究生,后来转到许宝騄先生门下;彭慧云跟华罗庚先生做研究生;王寿仁跟许宝騄先生做研究生;孙本旺跟姜立夫先生做研究生;严志达和王宪忠跟陈省身先生做研究生。当时社会上对研究生比本科生看重得多。值得指出的是,联大数学系十分提倡教师与研究生合作进行研究。如严志达听陈省身先生的微分几何课时,发现了一个问题。后来,他与陈先生合作了论文《n 维空间主运动式》 (Sulla Formula Principale Cinematica Dello Spazio ad Dimensioni),发表在《意大利数学联合会会刊》(Bollettino della Unione Mathematica Italiana)上。这一做法不仅可使学生学到课本中没有的知识,而且也能提高学生的科研水平。联大数学系研究生的主要研究方向有黎曼几何与连续群论(李群),学生有严志达、王宪钟;解析数论与概率统计,学生有钟开莱、彭慧云;高等统计,学生有王寿仁;形势几何(拓扑),学生有孙树本等。由于研究生人数太少,基本上不专门开课,是由导师指定文献资料,让研究生独自钻研,有问题时找导师讨论。当年联大数学系让研究生钻研的文献资料或者名家专著,大都是处于研究前沿,或接近前沿的题材,与当时欧美培养一般博士研究生所要求的程度水平是相似的。事实上,他们后来也都完成了论文写作,并发表了符合导师要求的研究成果。联大数学系在研究生培养方面更多介绍有另文发表,这里不展开了。
第三,联大数学系一贯提倡并鼓励学生看名家著作,直接面向原著。例如,曾远荣教授讲授微积分课后,鼓励学生去看哈代(Godfrey Harold Hardy, 1877-1947)的名著《纯粹数学》(Pure Mathematics), 讲代数课的几位教授一致推荐学生们去看范德瓦尔登(B.L.Van derWaerden,1903-1996)的《近世代数》(Modern Algebra)。华罗庚先生组织讨论班时要大家钻研外尔(Hermann Klaus Hugo Weyl, 1885-1955)的《典型群论》(Classical Groups)等名著。这些是联大数学系的一贯作风和培育青年学子的一些重要方法。
1)An application of the addition formula of Maye -Vietoris , Science record , Vol .2. 1943.
2)Remarks on two-leaved orientable covering manifolds of closed manifolds ,Annalsof Mat h. ,Vol . 44.
3)The manifolds of linear elements of n-sphere , Bull . Amer . Mat h. Soc .Vol . 51.
4)On the orienting 2-manifolds in non-orientable 3-manifolds.
1)Interpolation to certain analytic functions by rational functions(to appear in transaction of Amer . Math.Soc .).
2)Interpolation to certain analytic functions by fuctions withpoles of fractional orders.
1)Algebraization of absolute plane geometry ,Amer . Journal of Math. Vol . 57.
1)Contribution to the theory of “Student's” t-test as applied to the problem of twosamples ,Statistical research Memoirs , Vol . 2 , 1938.
2)On the best unbiassed quadratic estimate of the variance,Statistical research Memoirs,Vol.2.
3)Note on Hotelling's generalized,Annals of Math. Statistics ,Vol .9.
4)A new proof of the joint product moment distribution ,Proc . Combridge Phil. Soc. Vol . 35.
5)On the distribution of roots of certain determinantal equations , Annals of Eugenics ,Vol . 9.
6)On generalized analysis of variance ⅠBiometrica ,Vol.31.
7)Alebraic derivation of the distribution of the rectangular coodinates ,Proc . Edinburgh Math. Soc.(2)vol . 6.
8)On the limiting distribution of roots of a determinantal equation ,Proc.of the London Math.Soc.Vol.16.
9)On the limiting distribution of the canonical correlation ,Biometrika Vol . 32.
10)Analysis of variance from the power function standpoint ,Biometrika Vol .32.
11)Canonical reduction of the general regression problem ,Annals of Eugenics Vol .11.
12)On the problem of rank and the limiting distribution of R. A.Fisher's test function,Annals of Eugenics ,Vol.11.
13)The limiting distribution of a generalclass of statistcs ,Acad.Sinica,Science record,Vol.1.
14)The approximate distribution of the mean and of the variance of independent variates,contributions,Science college,National niv.of Peking,No.3.
15)Some simple facts about the separation of degrees of freedom in factorial experiments,Sankyha,Vol .6.
16)On the approximate distribution of ratio.
17)On the power functions of the E2-test and T2-test .
18)On the limiting distribution of functions of sample meansand application to testing hypotheses.
19)On a factorization of psudo-orhogonal matrices.(to appear in quarterly journal,Oxford series.)
1)Sur un theorème de M. Gumbel , Comptes Rendus, Vol.210.
2)Two remarks on Viggo Brun's method ,the Science report,Tsing hua Univ.(A)Vol.4.
3)A generalization of an inequality in the elementary theory of numbers,Jour . für die reine und augewaudt Math.Vol .183.
4)Note on a theorem on quadratic residues, Bull Amer . Math. Soc. Vol. 47.
5)On the probability of the occurrence of at least mevents among n events,Annals of mathematical statistics ,Vol.12.
6)On mutually favorable events,Annals of Math. Statistics ,Vol .13.
7)Generalization of a formula of Poincaréon probability,Annals of Math.statistics ,Vol. 14.
8)Onfundamental systems of probabilities of a finite number of events , Annals of Math.statistics ,Vol.14.
9)Further result s on Pmand Pn, Annals of Math. Statistics,Vol. 14.
10)The approximate distribution of Student's statistics.
11)On the lower limit of sums of independent random variables.
1)Further generalizations of Limson's lines ,Kantor's point s and Kantor's lines ,Tohoku Mat h. Jour .,Vol . 46.
2)Some analogues of the occurrence of triangle geometry the Kasner plane.
1)Affine charts.
2)高等微积分(大学丛书, 即出版).
1)On the common representative system of residue classes of infinite groups.
1)On the number of solutions of a certain congruence,Sci. record of Tsing Hua Univ. 4.
2)On a double exponential sum,Sci. report of Tsing Hua Univ.
3)On double exponential sums,Sci . record.
4)On the non-existence of Euclidean algorithmic a quadratic field Ⅱ,Trans. of Amer .Math. Soc .
5)An analogue of Tarrys problem ,Sci. record ,2.
1)Determination of the group of odd-prime-power p which contains a cyclic subgroup of index p2,Science report of Tsing Hua Univ. 4.
1)On the non-existence of Euclidean algorithm in a quadratic field Ⅲ.