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发表于 2006-11-1 09:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Title: Workshop From Lie algebras to quantum groups
Place and Dates: Coimbra (Portugal), 28-30 June
Contact person: Joana Teles
e-mail: jteles@mat.uc.pt   
Title: 6th Meeting on Game Theory and Practice
Place and Dates: Mediterranean Agro. Ins, Zaragoza (Spain) 10-12 July
Contact person: Fioravante Patrone
e-mail: patrone@diptem.unige.it
web: http://www.iamz.ciheam.org/GTP2006/index.htm
Title: Geometric Aspects of Integrable Systems
Place and Dates: University of  Coimbra (Portugal), 17 -19 July   
Contact person: Joana Nunes da Costa  
e-mail: jmcosta@mat.uc.pt
Title: XVth Oporto Meeting on Geometry, Topology and Physics
Place: Oporto (Portugal), 20-23 July
e-mail: miguelc@fc.up.pt
Title: The Summer School "Statistical Tools in Knowledge Building"  
Place and Dates: CIM, (Coimbra, Portugal), 23-29 July
Contact person: Dinis Pestana
e-mail: dinis.pestana@fc.ul.pt
Title: 2nd SIPTA Summer School on Imprecise Probabilities
Place and Dates: URJC-I (Madrid, Spain), 24-28 July
Contact person: Enrique Miranda
e-mail:  enrique.miranda@urjc.es
Title: New Trends in Viscosity Solutions and Nonlinear PDE
Place and Dates: Lisboa (Portugal), 24-28 July
Contact person: Diogo Gomes
e-mail:  dgomes@math.ist.utl.pt
Title: MKM 2006, the Fifth International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management  
Place and Dates: TBA (UK), 10-12 August
Contact person: William M. Farmer  
e-mail: wmfarmer@mcmaster.ca
Title: Methods of Integrable Systems in Geometry: an LMS Durham Research Symposium
Place and Dates: University of Durham, (UK) 12-20 August
Contact person: John Bolton
e-mail: john.bolton@durham.ac.uk
web: http://maths.dur.ac.uk/events/Meetings/LMS/2006/IS/
Title: International Conference on Global Differential Geometry
Place and Dates: Muenster (Germany), 13-19 August
Contact person: Joachim Lohkamp
e-mail: j.lohkamp@uni-muenster.de
Title: Workshop on Triangulated Categories
Place and Dates: Leeds (UK), 13-19 August
Contact person: Peter Jorgensen / Raphael Rouquier
e-mail:  popjoerg@maths.leeds.ac.uk
Title: Harmonic and Geometric Analysis with Applications to Pde';s
Place and Dates: Sevilla (Spain) 14-18 August
Contact person: Carlos Pérez
e-mail: carlosperez@us.es
web: http://www.us.es/sevilla2006/
Title: 7th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing, MCQMC- 2006
Place and Dates: Ulm (Germany), 14-18 August
Contact person: Alexander Keller
e-mail:  keller@informatik.uni-ulm.de
Title: CIMPA-School: New Trends in Singularities
Place and Dates:  Madrid (Spain), 14-21 August
Contact person:  Ignacio Luengo  
e-mail:  ignacio.luengo@mat.ucm.es
Title: CMDE2006 - ';Communicating Mathematics in the Digital Era';
Place and Dates: Aveiro (Portugal), 15-18 August
Contact person: Eugenio Rocha
e-mail: eugenio@mat.ua.pt
Title: VII Workshop on Symplectic and Contact Topology, GESTA-2006  
Place and Dates: Madrid (Spain), 16-19 August   
Contact person: Vicente Mu?oz   
e-mail: vicente.munoz@imaff.cfmac.csic.es
web: http://www.ma1.upc.edu/gesta/
Title: Trends and Challenges in Calculus of Variations and its Applications
Place and Dates: Toledo (Spain), 16-19 August
Contact person: José Carlos Bellido
e-mail: JoseCarlos.Bellido@uclm.es
web: http://matematicas.uclm.es/toledo2006/
Title: Algebraic Geometry
Place and Dates: Segovia (Spain), 16-19 August
Contact person: Raquel Mallabibarrena
e-mail: raquelm@mat.ucm.es
web: http://www.escet.urjc.es/satellite/
Title: Conference on Associative and Non-associative Algebraic Structures
Place and Dates: Oviedo (Spain), 18-20 August
Contact person: Santos González   
e-mail: santos@pinon.ccu.uniovi.es
web: http://orion.ciencias.uniovi.es/icmoviedo/
Title: CIMPA School on Optimization and Control
Place and Dates: Castro Urdiales (Cantabria, Spain), 28 Aug.-8 Sept.
Contact person: Eduardo Casas   
e-mail: eduardo.casas@unican.es
web: http://www.cimpa-icpam.org/index.php
Title: Geometry and Topology of low Dimensional Manifolds
Place and Dates: Burgo de Osma (Soria, Spain), 31 Aug.-2 Sept.
Contact person: Antonio Costa
e-mail: acosta@mat.uned.es
web: http://www.mai.liu.se/LowDim/
Title: Sixth International Workshop on Automated Deduction in Geometry, ADG-2006
Place and Dates: Pontevedra (Spain), 31 Aug--2 Sept
Contact person: Francisco Botana
e-mail: fbotana@uvigo.es
Title: Advances in PDE';s Geometry
Place and Dates: Madrid (Spain),  31 Aug-3 Sept
Contact person: Agostino Prástaro
e-mail: prastaro@dmmm.uniroma1.it
Title: Trends and Topics in the Future of Combinatorial and Computational Geometry
Place and Dates: Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spain), 31 Aug.-5 Sept.  
Contact person: Manuel Castellet   
e-mail: ACCOMGeometry@crm.es
web: http://www.crm.es/ACComGeometry/
Title: Workshop on Geometric and Topological Combinatorics
Place and Dates: Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spain), 31 Aug.-5 Sept.  
Contact person: Francisco Santos  
e-mail: santosf@unican.es
web: http://www2.uah.es/gtc06/
Title: Non-commutative Algebra  
Place and Dates: Granada (Spain), 31 Aug.-6 Sept.
Contact person: Pascual Jara  
e-mail: pjara@ugr.es
Title: International Congress on K-Theory and non-commutative geometry (VASBI)  
Place and Dates: Valladolid (Spain), 31 Aug-6 Sept
Contact person: Guillermo Corti?as
e-mail:  gcorti@agt.uva.es
Title: XXIst International Workshop  On Differential Geometric Methods In Theoretical Mechanics
Place and Dates: Madrid (Spain), 31 Aug-7 Sept
Contact person: David Martín
e-mail: ceed322@imaff.cfmac.csic.es
Title: International Congress of Mathematical Software 2006
Place and Dates: Castro Urdiales (Cantabria, Spain), 1-3 September
Contact person: Jaime Gutierrez
e-mail: jaime.gutierrez@unican.es
Title: Mathematical Neuroscience  
Place and Dates: Sant Julià de Lòria (Andorra), 1-4 September  
Contact person: Manuel Castellet
e-mail: CMathNeuroscience@crm.es
web: http://www.crm.es/CMathNeuroscience/
Title: Topics in Mathematical Analysis and Graph Theory
Place and Dates: Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro), 1-4 September  
Contact person: Milan Merkle
e-mail: emerkle@kondor.etf.bg.ac.yu
web: http://magt.etf.bg.ac.yu/
Title: Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory with Applications
Place and Dates: UPC Manresa (Barcelona, Spain), 1-5 September
Contact person: Enric Ventura
e-mail: enric.ventura@upc.edu
Title: Geometric Measure Theory
Place and Dates: Napoles (Italy), 1-5 September
Contact person: Juan José Manfredi
e-mail: manfredi@pitt.edu
Title: International Summer School and Workshop on Operator Algebras, Operator Theory and Applications
Place and Dates: ITS-Lisboa (Portugal), 1-5 September
Contact person: Amélia Bastos
e-mail: abastos@math.ist.utl.pt
Title: CR Geometry and PDE';s
Place and Dates: CIRM-Trento (Italy), 3-8 September
Contact person: Augusto Micheleti
e-mail:  michelet@unitn.it
Title: IV Summer School in Modern Mathematical Physics
Place and Dates: Zlatibor (Serbia and Montenegro), 3-14 September
Contact person: Branko Dragovich  
e-mail: dragovich@phy.bg.ac.yu
Title: Barcelona Analysis Conference  
Place and Dates: Barcelona (Spain), 4-8 September  
Contact person: Javier Soria  
e-mail: soria@mat.ub.es
web: http://www.imub.ub.es/bac06/
Title: Banach Space Theory: classical Topics and new Directions
Place and Dates: Cáceres (Spain), 4-8 September  
Contact person: Jesús M.F. Castillo
e-mail:  castillo@unex.es
web: http://www.banachspaces.com/
Title: Conference on Singularities and Differential Equations
Place and Dates: Tordesillas (Valladolid, Spain), 4-8 September  
Contact person: Jorge Mozo
e-mail:  jmozo@maf.uva.es
web: http://www3.uva.es/tordesillas2006/
Title: Groups in Geometry and Topology, GGT Málaga 06
Place and Dates: Málaga (Spain), 4-8 September  
Contact person: Antonio Viruel
e-mail: viruel@agt.cie.uma.es
web: http://agt.cie.uma.es/~ggt06/
Title: International Conference on Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry
Place and Dates: El Escorial, (Madrid, Spain), 4-8 September  
Contact person: Adolfo Quirós
e-mail:  adolfo.quiros@uam.es  
Title: International Seminar on Applied Geometry in Andalusia, ISAGA';06
Place and Dates: Granada (Spain), 4-8 September
Contact person: Miguel Ortega   
e-mail: isaga06@ugr.es
web: http://gigda.ugr.es/isaga06/
Title: II Euro-Japanese Workshop on Blow-up
Place and Dates: El Escorial (Madrid, Spain), 4-8 September
Contact person: Juan Luis Vázquez
e-mail: juanluis.vazquez@uam.es
Title: 3rd International Workshop on Mathematical Techniques and Problems in Telecommunications
Place and Dates: Leiria (Portugal), 4-8 September
Contact person: Antonio Navarro
e-mail:  navarro@av.it.pt
Title: Algebraic Geometry and Geometric Modeling (AGGM 2006)
Place and Dates: IMUB, Barcelona (Spain), 4-8 September
Contact person: Laureano González
e-mail:  laureano.gonzalez@unican.es
Title: Stochastic Analysis in Mathematical Physics
Place and Dates: Lisboa (Portugal),  4-8 September
Contact person:  J.C. Zambrini
e-mail: zambrini@cii.fc.ul.pt
Title: Geometry Conference in Honour of N. Hitchin   
Place and Dates: Madrid (Spain), 4-9 September  
Contact person: Oscar Garcia-Prada   
e-mail: oscar.garcia@imaff.cfmac.csic.es
web: http://www.mat.csic.es/webpages/conf/hitchin2006/
Title: Workshop on Analytic aspects of low dimensional geometry
Place and Dates: Warwick (UK), 4-9 September
Contact person: Samuel Lelievre
e-mail: samuel.lelievre@free.fr
Title: X Encuentro de álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones EACA2006
Place and Dates: Sevilla (Spain), 7-9 September  
Contact person: Francisco J. Castro Jiménez
e-mail:  castro@us.es
Title: Integrable Systems in Applied Mathematics
Place and Dates: Colmenarejo (Madrid, Spain), 7-12 September
Contact person: Luis Martínez
e-mail:  luism@fis.ucm.es
Title: International Conference on Complex Analysis and Potential Theory
Place and Dates: Gebze Institute of Technology Istanbul (Turkey), 8-14 September
Contact person: Tahir Aliyev Azeroglu
e-mail: aliyev@gyte.edu.tr
Title: XV Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics  
Place and Dates: Tenerife (Spain), 11-15 September
Contact person: Juan-Carlos Marrero   
e-mail: mjcmarrer@ull.es
Title: International Conference on "The Logic of Soft Computing"
Place and Dates: Málaga (Spain), 13-15 September
Contact person: Manuel Ojeda Aciego  
e-mail:  aciego@ctima.uma.es
Title: The Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology
Place and Dates: Las Palmas de GC (Spain), 13-15 September  
Contact person: Rafael Montenegro
e-mail:  rafa@dma.ulpgc.es
Title: The Fifth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology
Place and Dates: Las Palmas de GC (Spain), 13-15 September
Contact person: Gustavo Montero
e-mail: gustavo@dma.ulpgc.es
Title: Conference on Routing and Location 2006 (CORAL 2006)
Place and Dates: Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife, Spain) 14-17 September
Contact person: Juan José Salazar
e-mail: jjsalaza@ull.es
web: http://webpages.ull.es/users/saderyl/
Title: International Workshop On Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA3)
Place and Dates: Pamplona (Spain), 27-29 September
Contact person: Lola Ugarte
e-mail: lola@unavarra.es

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