The IMU Executive Committee 2007-2010
The IMU Executive Committee consists of ten voting members elected for four-year terms: the four officers (president, two vice presidents, and secretary) and six other members. The IMU General Assembly 2006 in Santiago de Composela increased the number of members at large from five to six. The retiring president is an ex officio member of the Executive Committee without vote for a period of four years. The current members (terms January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2010) of the IMU Executive Committee are:
László Lovász (Hungary)
Martin Grötschel (Germany)
Vice Presidents:
Zhi-Ming Ma (China), Claudio Procesi (Italy)
Members at Large:
M. Salah Baouendi (USA)
Manuel de León (Spain)
Ragni Piene (Norway)
Cheryl E. Praeger (Australia)
Victor A. Vassiliev (Russia)
Marcelo Viana (Brazil)
Ex Officio:
John M. Ball, Past President (United Kingdom)