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《Journal of Computational Mathematics》(《计算数学》英文版,简称《JCM》)

发表于 2004-6-25 20:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《Journal of Computational Mathematics》(《计算数学》英文版,简称《JCM》)是由中国科学院数学与系统科学院主办的专业学术刊物,它的前身是于1964年创刊的《应用数学与计算数学》。
(1) 《JCM》拥有一个强大的、国际化的、充满活力的编委会。
(2) 发表的论文有较高的国际化程度。
(3) 摘用或引用率较高。
如国外权威性检索期刊美国的《数学评论》(Mathematics Review, MR), 英国《科学文摘》(Science Abstracts,SA), 俄罗斯的《文摘杂志》(AJ)等都摘用本刊的论文。
(4) 刊登国家与省部级基金资助项目的论文比例很高。
据作者们反映,在本刊发表的论文为他们申请和获得科研基金提供了有力支持。《JCM》2002年刊登有国家与部委基金资助项目论文53篇,占全部发表论文数的92%, 2003年为74篇,占全年的发表论文数的92%.
(5) 在各类职称评定、研究生导师评定、学位点评定中,在本刊上发表的论文成为重要参数。
(6) 《JCM》被国内外重要数据库或权威性文摘期刊广泛收录,其中包括:
● 美国《科学引文索引》(SCI-E),
● 美国《工程索引》(EI Page One),
● 美国《数学评论》(Mathematics Review, MR),
● 美国《应用力学评论》(Applied Mechanics Review, AMR),
● 英国《科学文摘》(Science Abstracts, SA),
● 俄罗斯的《文摘杂志》(AJ);
● 中国数学文摘,
● 中国学术期刊文摘,
● 中国科学引文数据库,
● 清华学术期刊光盘版等。
(7) 《JCM》已在国际上具有了相当的影响。
(8) 编辑出版质量高。

(1) 紧紧依靠编委会,充分发挥编委的积极作用,做到每个季度由主编亲自主持召开执行编委会,及时讨论刊物的有关事宜并逐篇审定经过两审后通过的稿件。
(2) 进一步加强编委负责制的实施,积极督促和帮助编委加快处理稿件,提供审稿人参考名单,使稿件处理更加准确快捷。
(3) 加强网络建设。在网上提供更多的信息,使浏览者能够更多更快地了解学报,以达到吸引国外稿件,提高引用率的目的。
(4) 加快国际投稿的审理速度,国外稿件同时送2个审稿人,尽快给作者答复,以迅速地回答和快速地发表来吸引更多的国外优秀稿件。
(1) 国际知名度还不够,特别是美国市场仍未打开。
(2) 稿件出版周期偏长,稿件质量仍需要进一步提高等。
(1) 为了缩短出版周期,我们从2003年开始每期又增加了2个印张。同时更精确地控制审稿人的审稿时间,及时催审,督促加快稿件处理速度。对审稿人进行审稿速度和质量的标识,淘汰不负责和拖期较长的审稿人,目前基本上已经建立起了一支高效率,高水平的审稿人队伍。
(2) 为了扩大国际影响和提高投稿质量我们将采取以下措施:
● 请作者提供国际同行,由我们寄送抽印本,同时加入约稿信和定单以及宣传材料。
● 搜集国际重要计算数学期刊的编委及作者的E-Mail地址,每期为他们发送目录和文章摘要,并同时向他们约稿。
● 更加重视国际投稿,控制出版周期,与国际上著名同类专业期刊看齐。
● 大力加强网站建设,预计将在2004年内建立起一套网络化的学报计算机整体应用系统,它将包括作者远程投稿,查询系统;专家远程审稿系统;刊物发行管理系统;制作出版系统及全文检索系统等。
● 积极督促编委在参加国际会议时,为学报作宣传,约稿。

《Journal of Computational Mathematics》编辑部
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-25 20:57 | 显示全部楼层

《Journal of Computational Mathematics》(《计算数学》英文版,简称《JCM》)

Journal of Computational Mathematics

An international journal of Numerical Methods, Analysis and Applications.

Published by the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. Copublished and distributed outside of China exclusively by VSP.

Shi Zhong-ci
ICMSEC, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

The Journal of Computational Mathematics is an international journal covering numerical methods, analysis and applications. The journal publishes original research papers in all branches of modern computational mathematics such as linear and nonlinear algebra, numerical optimization, numerical approximations, computational geometry, computational statistics and probability, Monte Carlo methods, numerical methods for ordinary differential equations, integral equations and partial differential equations including both direct and inverse problems, and computational-mathematical problems in diverse fields of science and engineering. Papers containing new ideas, creative approaches and/or innovative applications as well as invited reviews are expected to appear regularly in the journal.
A special feature of the Journal of Computational Mathematics is the publication of articles selected by the editors, and translated into English, from the Chinese-language journal Mathematica Numerica Sinica. This will be of great interest to many computational and applied mathematicians who up to now have been unable to easily obtain translated material on Chinese mathematical research.


ISSN 0254-9409
E-ISSN not applicable

Indexed/Abstracted in:
Applied Mechanics Review/Boundary Elements Abstracts/Current Contents: Engineering, Computing and Technology/INSPEC Database/Science Citation Index/Zentralblatt für Mathematik
Subscription data 2004:
Volume 22 in 6 issues
Institutional rate: EUR 860  US$ 1075  
Individual rate: EUR 860  US$ 1075  
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-25 20:58 | 显示全部楼层

《Journal of Computational Mathematics》(《计算数学》英文版,简称《JCM》)

Journal of Computational Mathematics
Instructions to Authors
Journal of Computational Mathematics is an international journal on numerical methods, analysis and applications, published quarterly in English, French or German, but preferably in English. Papers should be submitted to: Editorial Committee of Journal of Computational Mathematics, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 2179, Beijing, China.
Manuscripts should be typewritten on one side of the paper only, double-spaced, with wide margins on all sides. One orginal and two copies of the manuscript including figures and tables are required.
Formulas should be typewritten whenever possible, with number placed in parentheses at the right-hand margin. Superscripts and subscripts should be typed or handwritten clearly above or below the line. Please distinguish clearly those symbols which are prone to confusion. Footnotes should be avoided whenever possible.
Figures and tables are to be numbered consecutively. Drawings should be in black India ink. Figure legends and tables should be typed on separate pages.
The first page should contain title, author(s) and affiliation(s). Then follows a brief and reasonably self-contained abstract. The main text should begin on a separate page.
References in the text are indicated by numbers in square brackets. The form for references at the end of the text is shown by the following examples:
[1] R. Courant, D. Hilbert, Methods of Mathematical Physics, V. 2, Intersciences, New York, 1962.
[2] H. Weyl, Spinors in n dimensions, Amer. Jour. Math., 57: 3 (1935), 425--449.
[3] H.W. Kuhn, A New Proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, Mathematical Programming Study 1, Ed. M. Balinski, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1974, 148--158.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-25 21:00 | 显示全部楼层

《Journal of Computational Mathematics》(《计算数学》英文版,简称《JCM》)

Editorial Board
Editor-in- Chief
Shi Zhong-ci
ICMSEC, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Associate Editors-in-Chief
Yuan Ya-xiang
ICMSEC, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
Lin Qun
Institute of System Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Cui Jun-zhi
ICMSEC, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Executive Editors
Chen Zhi-ming
ICMSEC, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Han Hou-de
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Wu Hua-mo
ICMSEC, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Ying Long-an
Peking University, Beijing, China
I. Babuska, University of Texas at Austin, USA
P.G. Ciarlet, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie. Paris, France
T. Chan, UCLA, USA
P. Deuflhard, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fur Informationstechnik, Berlin, Germany
Du Qiang, ICMSEC, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
B. Engquist, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
E Wei-nan, Princeton University, NJ, USA
H. Fujita, University of Tokai, Tokyo, Japan
G.H. Golub, Stanford University, CA, USA
Guo Ben-yu, Shanghai Normal University,  China
Huang Hong-ci, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Thomas Y.Z. Hou, CALTECH, CA, USA
Jiang Er-xiong, Shanghai University, China
H. Kawarada, Chiba University, Japan
P.D. Lax, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NY, USA
J.-L. Lions, College de France, Paris, France
G.I. Marchuk, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
J.J. Miller, Institute for Numerical Computation and Analysis, Dublin, Ireland
A.R. Mitchell, University of Dundee, UK
K.W. Morton, Oxford University, UK
S.A. Orszag, Princeton University, NJ, USA
A. Quarteroni,  Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland
P.A. Raviart, Ecole Poletechnique, Paris, France
A.A. Samarskii, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
F. Scarpini, Universita di Roma, Italy
Shu Chi-wang, Brown University, RI, USA
H.J. Stetter, Technische Universitat, Wien, Austria
F. Stummel, Universitat Frankfurt, Germany
V. Thomee, Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden
R.S. Varga, Institute for Computational Mathematics, Kent, OH, USA
W. Wendland, Universitat Stuttgart, Germany
Xu Jin-chao, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Honorary Editor
Zhou Yu-lin, Institute of Applied Physics and Computation mathematics, Beijing, China
Xu Li-zhi,  Dalian University of Technology, China
发表于 2005-10-21 09:18 | 显示全部楼层

《Journal of Computational Mathematics》(《计算数学》英文版,简称《JCM》)

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